Coyote Corner



Coyote Corner






     This page is going to be about what is going on with my hounds. I am hoping that this page well basically show you every step of my dogs.

     On Saturday June 16th, 2001 I am going to take my Shasta pup to a puppy race. This race is going to be the final for the race that I took her to on May 12th. She got 10th place out of 33 dogs. I well keep you posted on how well she does in that race. My Lacey dog did finish but she didnt place.

     My father in-law's dog Twister placed 2nd for the 2nd time. She is 11 months old. His dog Annie got injured in the second hour of the race and come in with 15 minutes left. She did very well the first hour.

     On Sunday May 13th, 2001 I bought another dog from the guy that owns the coyote pen. This dog is 4 years old. She is a Walker running hound. Her name is Dottie. I havent had a chance to run her yet so I well let ya guys know how well she does. She makes my 8th coyote dog.

     Sunday June 3rd I ran in the Windy Hill Running Pen. We casted at 3:00AM. I caught my last dog around 9:00am. They ran real good. The only problem was that the coyotes were baying up alot. They bayed the coyotes 7 times. My new dog Dottie ran real well. She was the last hound that i caught. Not bad for being out of shape.

     Sunday June 9th, 2001 My father in-law ran two of his pups and my Shasta pup in a race. There was 30 some dogs in the race. His two dogs (Twister) placed 1st and (Annie) placed 2nd and my dog placed 10th.

Stay tuned for updates

Thanks Vargy